Source: Boeing brochure I wonder… , print 6/1994.
Why the number 7?
People often want to know why boeing uses the number 7 to designate its commercial airplanes. The answer dates back to the earliest days of the company.
Our first airplane was, not surprisingly, designated with the number 1. From then on, Boeing products were grouped into series, which were given numbers such as 200, 300 and so forth. When the first prototype jet transport was designed in 1950s, its breakthrough characteristics were disguised by giving it the designation of the older Stratocruiser models in the 300 series. When the airplane was unveiled, it was given its own offical series --700.
The first of this new series was called the 707. Since then, the 700 series has been used for all Boeing jetliners. The numbers in the 700 series are assigned in the order the planes are designed, not by the number of engines or the date of introduction.
Our first airplane was, not surprisingly, designated with the number 1. From then on, Boeing products were grouped into series, which were given numbers such as 200, 300 and so forth. When the first prototype jet transport was designed in 1950s, its breakthrough characteristics were disguised by giving it the designation of the older Stratocruiser models in the 300 series. When the airplane was unveiled, it was given its own offical series --700.
The first of this new series was called the 707. Since then, the 700 series has been used for all Boeing jetliners. The numbers in the 700 series are assigned in the order the planes are designed, not by the number of engines or the date of introduction.
The newest airplane in the series, the 777, enters service in 1995.
¿Por qué el número 7?
La gente a menudo quiere saber porqué Boeing utiliza el número 7 para denominar sus aviones comerciales. La respuesta se encuentra en los inicios de la compañía.
Nuestro primer aeroplano fue designado, naturalmente, con el número 1. Desde entonces, los productos Boeing fueron agrupados en series, que eran números tales como 200, 300 y demás. Cuando el primer prototipo de jet fue diseñado en los 50 , sus avanzadas características fueron ocultadas dándole la designación de los modelos Stratocruiser de la serie 300 más viejos. Cuando el avión fue presentado, tenía su propia serie oficial, la 700.
El primero de esta nueva serie fue llamado 707. Desde entonces, la serie 700 se ha utilizado para todos los aviones de Boeing. En la serie 700, los números son asignados en el orden en que se diseñan los aviones, no por el número de motores o la fecha de introducción.
El avión más nuevo de la serie, el 777, entra en servicio en 1995.
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Tecnologìa Militar