A finales de los años 50, se desarrolló a partir del monomotor Do 27 una versión bimotor, el Do 28. El primer vuelo del prototipo V-1 del Do 28 se realizó en Oberpfaffenhofen el 29 de abril de 1959, y el prototipo del avión de negocio STOL Do 28A lo realizó un año más tarde el 20 de marzo de 1960. El Do 28, diseñado como monoplano de ala alta en voladizo utilizó los flaps del Do 27 así como la sección posterior del fuselaje, la cabina para seis pasajeros y las superficies de control. Los dos motores Lycoming y las patas telescópicas del tren de aterrizaje rígido principal fueron instalados en trozos del ala. Como el monomotor Do 27, el bimotor Do 28 se caracterizó por una alta velocidad de crucero, características excelentes en vuelo a baja velocidad y distancias de despegue y aterrizaje muy cortas. Mientras que la versión A-1 fue motorizada con dos motores Lycoming O-540 de 255-HP y los propulsores de dos palas, el Do 28 B-1, primer vuelo el 26 de abril de 1963, fue equipado con los motores Lycoming IO-540 de 290-HP y de los propulsores de paso variable de tres palas. La designación Do 28 C fue utilizada para una versión de ocho asientos con dos motores turbopropulsorers de 530-SHP, que estaba en la etapa del proyecto.
Se construyeron un total de 120 aviones de los tipos Do 28 A y B.
Datos técnicos
- Longitud: 9'2 (9'0) m.
- Altura: 2'8 m.
- Envergadura: 13'8 m
- Área alar: 22'4 m2
- Planta motriz:
- 2 x Lycoming O-540 (255 PS)
- 2 x Lycoming IO-540 (290 PS)
- Peso vacío: 1670 (1725) kg.
- Peso de despegue: 2450 (2670) kg.
- Velocidad máxima: 280 (302) km/h
- Velocidad de crucero: 250 (280) km/h
- Velocidad de aterrizaje: 85 km/h
- Techo de servicio: 5900 (6300) m.
- Alcance: 1150 (1780) km.
- Distancia de despegue: 310 (272) m.
- Distancia de aterrizaje: 210 (225) m.
- Asientos: 6
Dornier Do 28 A/B - Utility Aircraft
The single-engine Do 27 was developed into a twin-engine variant, the Do 28, at the end of the 50s. The first flight of the Do 28 prototype V-1 was made at Oberpfaffenhofen on 29 April 1959, and the prototype of the Do 28A STOL business aircraft followed one year later on 20 March 1960. The Do 28, designed as cantilever high-wing monoplane used the lift-increasing devices of the Do 27 together with the rear fuselage section, the cabin for six passengers and the control surfaces. The two Lycoming engines and the rigid main landing gear telescopic legs were installed on wing stubs. As the single-engine Do 27, the twin-engine Do 28 was characterized by a high cruise speed, excellent slow-flying characteristics and very short take-off and landing distances. While the A-1 version was powered by two 255-HP Type O-540 Lycoming engines and two-blade propellers, the Do 28 B-1, first flown on 26 April 1963, was equipped with 290-HP engines of the Lycoming Type IO-540 and three-blade variable-pitch propellers. The designation Do 28 C was used for an eight-seat version with two 530-SHP turboprop engines, which was in the project stage.
The single-engine Do 27 was developed into a twin-engine variant, the Do 28, at the end of the 50s. The first flight of the Do 28 prototype V-1 was made at Oberpfaffenhofen on 29 April 1959, and the prototype of the Do 28A STOL business aircraft followed one year later on 20 March 1960. The Do 28, designed as cantilever high-wing monoplane used the lift-increasing devices of the Do 27 together with the rear fuselage section, the cabin for six passengers and the control surfaces. The two Lycoming engines and the rigid main landing gear telescopic legs were installed on wing stubs. As the single-engine Do 27, the twin-engine Do 28 was characterized by a high cruise speed, excellent slow-flying characteristics and very short take-off and landing distances. While the A-1 version was powered by two 255-HP Type O-540 Lycoming engines and two-blade propellers, the Do 28 B-1, first flown on 26 April 1963, was equipped with 290-HP engines of the Lycoming Type IO-540 and three-blade variable-pitch propellers. The designation Do 28 C was used for an eight-seat version with two 530-SHP turboprop engines, which was in the project stage.
A total of 120 aircraft of the types Do 28 A and B were built.
Technical Data
- Length: 9'2 (9'0) m.
- Height: 2'8 m.
- Wing span: 13'8 m
- Wing area: 22'4 m2
- Propulsion:
- 2 x Lycoming O-540 (255 PS)
- 2 x Lycoming IO-540 (290 PS)
- Empty weight: 1670 (1725) kg.
- Take-off weight: 2450 (2670) kg.
- Maximum speed: 280 (302) km/h
- Cruise speed: 250 (280) km/h
- Landing speed: 85 km/h
- Service ceiling: 5900 (6300) m.
- Range: 1150 (1780) km.
- Take-off distance: 310 (272) m.
- Landing distance: 210 (225) m.
- Seats: 6
Fuente: Libro "Dornier. A Brief History of the Dornier Company" editado por Dornier en 1983
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