Este programa se remonta al año 1959. En 1962, el Ministerio de Defensa de Alemania Federal concedió a Dornier un contrato para el diseño del avión de transporte Do 31 V/STOL. Bajo este programa experimental, el programa de producción se centró en un aparato pequeño para vuelo estacionario y otro mayor para el estudio de los principios del diseño, una célula para pruebas estructurales, y un banco de pruebas para los sistemas hidráulico y eléctrico.
Los dos aviones de prueba Do 31 E-1 (sin los motores de la elevación) y E-3 fueron probados con éxito entre 1967 y 1971. El Do 31 E-1 estaba equipado con dos motores de elevación Rolls Royce Pegasus 5-2 con un empuje de 7000 kg cada uno, que permitían el vuelo en crucero así como la elevación durante el despegue y el aterrizaje a través de toberas regulables. Para apoyar los motores de crucero en vuelos estacionarios, se instalaron un total de ocho Rolls Royce RB-162-4D, en góndolas carenadas en los extremos de las alas, con un empuje de 2000 kilogramos cada uno. Inclinando las toberas de los motores, el Do 31 aceleraba hasta la velocidad de 250 km/h, aproximadamente, requeridos para el vuelo horizontal aerodinámico, y los ocho motores de sustentación volvían a detenerse transcurridos 20 segundos.
El Do 31, que estableció varios records mundiales de la FAI (Federación Aeronáutica Internacional) durante su vuelo ferry al Salón Aeronáutico de París de 1969, era el primer, y por ahora el único, reactor de transporte de despegue vertical construido en el mundo.
Datos técnicos
- Longitud: 20' 9 m.
- Altura: 8' 5 m.
- Envergadura: 18' 1 m.
- Área alar: 57' 0 m2.
- Propulsión:
- Rolls Royce Pegasus 5-2 2 x 7000 kg.
- Rolls Royce RB-162-4D 8 x 2000 kg.
- Peso vacío: 13868 kg.
- Peso de despegue máximo: 27500 kg.
- Velocidad máxima: 750 km/h
- Velocidad de crucero: 700 km/h
- Velocidad de ascenso: 19' 2 m/s
- Techo de servicio: 10700 m.
- Alcance: 1800 km.
Dornier Do 31 - VTOL Experimental Jet Transport
This programme goes back to the year 1959. In 1962, the Federal Ministry of Defence awarded dornier a design contract for the Do 31 V/STOL transport aircraft. Under this experimental programme, the production programme covered a small and a large hovering rig for studying design principles, an airframe for structural testing, and a systems test stand for hydraulic and electric systems.
The two test aircraft Do 31 E-1 (without lift engines) and E-3 were sucessfully tested between 1967 and 1971. The Do 31 E-1 was equipped with two Rolls Royce Pegasus 5-2 lift/thrust engines rated at 7000 kg of thrust each which provided power for cruising flight as well as lift during take-off and landing via vectored nozzles. To support the cruise engines in hover flight, a total of eight Rolls Royce RB-162-4D, rated at 2000 kg of thrust each, were installed in nacelles at the wing ends. By tilting the cruise engine nozzles, the Do 31 was accelerated to the speed of approximately 250 km/h required for aerodynamic horizontal flight, and the eight lift-producing engines were stopped again after 20 seconds.
The two test aircraft Do 31 E-1 (without lift engines) and E-3 were sucessfully tested between 1967 and 1971. The Do 31 E-1 was equipped with two Rolls Royce Pegasus 5-2 lift/thrust engines rated at 7000 kg of thrust each which provided power for cruising flight as well as lift during take-off and landing via vectored nozzles. To support the cruise engines in hover flight, a total of eight Rolls Royce RB-162-4D, rated at 2000 kg of thrust each, were installed in nacelles at the wing ends. By tilting the cruise engine nozzles, the Do 31 was accelerated to the speed of approximately 250 km/h required for aerodynamic horizontal flight, and the eight lift-producing engines were stopped again after 20 seconds.
The Do 31, which established several FAI world records during its ferry flight to the 1969 Paris Air Show, was the first and so-far only vertical take-off jet transport built in the world.
Technical Data
- Length: 20'9 m.
- Height: 8'5 m.
- Wing span: 18'1 m.
- Wing area: 57'0 m2.
- Propulsion:
- Rolls Royce Pegasus 5-2 2 x 7000 kg.
- Rolls Royce RB-162-4D 8 x 2000 kg.
- Empty weight: 13868 kg.
- Max. take-off weight: 27500 kg.
- Maximum speed: 750 km/h
- Cruise speed: 700 km/h
- Climb speed: 19'2 m/s
- Service ceiling: 10700 m.
- Range: 1800 km.
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